St. John’s harvesting – Salvia sclarea L. and Hypericum perforatum L.

Salvia sclarea L. – in full bloom

St. John’s day, this year a flower day (the Moon is in Aquarius): perfect for the harvesting of the flowering tops of the plants that are in bloom now. In particular, the majestic and strongly-scented Clary Sage and the King of these days, St. John’s wort.

A St. John’s wort field

Clary Sage was reputed able to strengthen both the physical and the “inner” vision, so that in Italian it was called “occhio chiaro” (“clear eye”). The mucilage contained in its seeds was employed to remove foreign particles from the eyes. Its strong and intoxicating odor makes it an euphorizing herb.
St. John’s wort was known in the past for being able to drive out demons. Nowaday, we know that it is endowed with a good antidepressant action, and also  a regenerating and anti-inflammatory action on the nervous tissues (it can be used in case of neuralgia and neuritis).

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