Glechoma L. – Monograph

  Glechoma L. – Genus   Order: Lamiales BromheadFamily: Lamiaceae MartinovSubfamily: Nepetoideae (APG IV)Tribe: MentheaeSubtribe: Nepetinae (APG IV)   Botanical notes The Glechoma L. genus includes, at present, seven accepted species: Glechoma biondiana (Diels) C.Y.Wu & C.Chen, Glechoma grandis (A.Gray) Kuprian., Glechoma hederacea L., Glechoma hirsuta Waldst. & Kit., Glechoma longituba (Nakai) Kuprian., Glechoma × pannonica Borbás, Glechoma sardoa (Bég.) …

Dittrichia viscosa (L.) Greuter – Monograph

Dittrichia Greuter – Genus Order: Asterales Link Family: Asteraceae Bercht. & J.Presl The genus Dittrichia Greuter (1973) belongs to the family Asteraceae and includes only two species: Dittrichia viscosa (L.) Greuter, native to the Mediterranean basin and Macaronesia, and Dittrichia graveolens (L.) Greuter, whose native range extends from the Mediterranean basin to Western Himalaya [POWO]. D. viscosa has four subspecies. …

Alliaria petiolata (M. Bieb.) Cavara & Grande – Monograph

Alliaria Heist. Ex Fabr. – Genus Order: Brassicales BromheadFamily: Brassicaceae BurnettTribe: Alliarieae The genus Alliaria includes very few species and not all sources agree with the number of species currently to be included in it. According to Plants Of the World Online, there are two accepted species: Alliaria petiolata (M.Bieb.) Cavara & Grande and Alliaria taurica (Adam) V.I.Dorof. [POWO] According …

Cyperus L. – Monograph

  Order: Poales Small (APG IV); Cyperales Hutch. (Cronquist)Family: Cyperaceae Juss.Subfamily: CyperoideaeTribe: Cypereae   Cyperus L. is a large plant genus which, according to World Flora Online, includes about one thousand different species [WFO]. Among these, well known plants are the papyrus (C. papyrus L.) and the umbrella papyrus (Cyperus alternifolius L.). C. rotundus L. is known both for its …

Crocus sativus L. – Monograph

  Order: Asparagales Link (APG IV), Liliales Perleb (Cronquist)Family: Iridaceae Juss.Tribe: Croceae   Crocus L. species are bulbous (generally provided with a corm1) or, occasionally, rhizomatous geophytes. Both spring-flowering (e.g., C. vernus (L.) Hill. C. biflorus Mill.) and autumn-flowering (C. sativus L., C. cartwrightianus Herb., C. longiflorus raf.) species exist. The former usually bloom in early spring (C. vernus flowers …

Vinca L. – Monograph

  Order: Gentianales Juss. ex Bercht. & J.PreslFamily: Apocynaceae Juss.Tribe: Vinceae According to some authors, the name Vinca derives from the Latin vincire (to tie), because of the thin and flexible stems, while according to others it derives from the verb vincere (to win), perhaps as an allusion to the ability of the herb to fight diseases or to withstand …

The Symbology of Crocus

Artemis and the maiden goddesses Britomartis, Diktynna, Aphea Britomartis (Greek: Βριτόμαρτις) or, more appropriately, Britomarpis1 was an ancient goddess who was primarily worshipped in Minoan Crete. Goddess of mountains and hunting, patroness of hunters, fishermen and sailors, she was sometime identified with the Aeginetan Aphaea (or Aphaia). According to some authors, she was also revered as Dictynna (Δίκτυννα).

Alnus – Monograph

Alnus Mill. – Genus Order: Fagales Engl.Family: Betulaceae GrayTribe: Alneae   The plants belonging to the Alnus genus (World Flora Online counts 46 accepted specie names [WFO]) are deciduous trees or shrubs. Widespread and abundant throughout much of the temperate world, they are sometimes considered weedy in many moister climates. Male inflorescences (catkins) are elongated and pendulous. Female inflorescences are …

Ulmus minor Mill. – Monograph

Ulmus L. – Genus Order: Rosales Bercht. & J.Presl (APG IV), Urticales Juss. ex Bercht. & J.Presl, 1820 (Cronquist)Family: Ulmaceae Mirb.Tribe: Ulmeae According to World Flora Online, the genus Ulmus L. currently includes about 40 species of trees [WFO], which are generically called elms, mainly found in the temperate and tropical-mountain regions of Eurasia and North America.   Ulmus minor …